GENERAL INFORMATION Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt

JBS Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt in addition to premix carpeting and seal coat guaranteed to permanently repair potholes, utility cuts, overlays and edge repairs in asphalt and concrete. JBS Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt is currently being used by state DOT’s across the country. It is available in bulk are barrels. JBS Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt works in all weather conditions except continuous heavy rain. JBS Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt is easy to apply and has excellent workability and setting properties and better adhesiveness with aggregates. JBS Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt has so many advantages which makes it cost effective over its life cycle, specially as they reduces the frequency of maintenance.

JBS Hi-Seal product ranges:-

1. Hi-Seal 0033: Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt is recommended for premix carpeting as well as premix seal-coat and is designed to suit all grades of aggregates.
2. Hi-Seal 0055: A Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt recommended for all carpeting and seal coat and has excellent workability and setting properties.
3. Hi-Seal 0044: A Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt strongly recommended for premix carpeting with premix seal coat, mixed seal surfacing and open graded carpeting. It has excellent workability, setting properties and better adhesiveness with aggregates.

JBS Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt is a ready to use, high performance, capable of providing a cost effective, simple and permanent solution to a variety of application including but not limited to potholes, utility cut, joint repairs, outer edge repairs, surface patches (level course), and even small overlays. JBS Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt is similar in appearance and performance to good hot mix asphalt and can be utilized in any weather condition (rain or shine, hot or cold). JBS Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt has an extended stockpile life while retaining excellent workability. JBS Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt requires no tack coat, can be used to patch both asphalt and concrete surfaces, and can even be applied in water. JBS Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt can be opened immediately to traffic making it perfect for those inevitable “throw and go” situations. If proper installation techniques are utilized, JBS Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt applications should have an equivalent or extended life expectancy in comparison to hot mix asphalt. Proper installation is the key to the longevity of any paving application and following is a brief guide to help and insure the maximum performance for your JBS Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt material.

JBS Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt will perform best and achieve maximum longevity if the following installation procedures are followed.

Excavate entire failed pavement surface and unstable base material (including any “alligator” cracked areas).

Clean foreign debris from the area to be patched utilizing a broom or compressed air.

Compact sub-grade thoroughly to achieve a firm foundation. The preferred mode of base compaction would be a vibratory compactor plate or steel wheel roller, for small potholes, a hand tamp is acceptable.

Apply JBS Hi-Seal Ready Mix material in maximum 2” lifts.

Compact JBS Hi-Seal Ready Mix after each lift utilizing a vibratory compactor plate or steel wheel roller.

Final JBS Hi-Seal Ready Mix lift should be placed approximately 1” higher than the desired finished surface level prior to compaction allowing for optimal secondary compaction as a result of traffic flow.

Utility Cut

JBS Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt can be used as a permanent trench patch if proper installation procedures are followed. Similar to hot mix, a solid, unyielding base must be provided under the JBS Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt material if it is expected to not settle, rut or shove. JBS Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt can be placed in lifts up to 2”, with each lift receiving compaction effort. In case where the steel wheel roller will not fit into the trench on the first lift, a plate compactor can be used. It is advisable to use the vibratory steel wheel roller on the top lift of all trenches. JBS Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt can be expected to consolidate up to 40% before proper density is achieved. For a 2” deep lift, the JBS Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt should be placed about 1” higher than the desired finished surface before compaction beings. This will ensure that enough JBS Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt will be forced into the trench and proper compaction will be achieved.

Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt – Advantages

  • The advantage of using Hi-Seal for road construction is that it is custom designed to suit aggregates specific to a region and it is cost effective and a totally green technology.

  • The working season can be enhanced drastically as it can be used also in the rainy season.

  • It is an ideal material as on all weather binder with versatile uses for highways as well as for peripheral road carpeting and maintenance.

  • Prime Coat

    Prime coat is a perquisite for all WBM surfaces. It provides a water proof membrane which prevents water from reaching the WBM even if the bitumen cracks.

  • Tack Coat

    Hi-Seal fortified tack coat ensures long life of the structure. These are primarily used when applying a layer of coated material foe the maintenance or repair of an existing surface.

    It may be applied by hand or machine sprayed in a thin layer that covers the entire road surface.

  • Surface Dressing

    Hi-Seal helps bond the chippings on the support while sealing the road surface against the ingress of water.

    Hi-Seal are under as a multilayer dressing and it allows roads to be open in less than 30 min.

  • Penetration Macadam

    Hi-Seal premix or surface dressing is applied on the penetration macadam.

  • Soil Stabilization

    Hi-Seal is very effective when the requirement is to upgrade marginal aggregates or increase load bearing capacity and strengthening road bases.

  • Fog Seal

    Hi-Seal ensures that fog seals flow easily into cracks and holes and is therefore used to renew and increase the life span of old bituminous surfaces that has sustained damages by oxidation or dryness and have developed cracks and voids.

  • Recycling

    Hi-Seal proves useful; for at site ready mixes and surface recycling

  • Road Repairs

    Hi-Seal finds excellent application in repairing of different kinds of cracks from hairline to split wide open types, patching of potholes and pockets on the road surface. Small quantities can be mixed by hand at site and Hi-Seal lends itself perfectly to the use of local aggregates, thus making it extremely versatile.


Hi-Seal Ready Mix Cold Asphalt is available in

  • Bulk and Barrels
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